Writing Update

Big news everyone, very big news!

I’ll keep this brief, but after two (or three) years I completed the first draft of my novel. I won’t give a title yet, because I might change it, but I’ll give a very brief synopsis:

A family saga that spans multiple generations, set on a farm in southern Illinois, that is meant to be an allegory for generations-long conflicts like Israel v. Palestine, or the Koreas, or what have you. It’s set during the first half of the 20th century (roughly 1900 to the late 1930s), so expect direct or indirect references to major historical events in that time frame.

There, there’s the teaser!

At 1 a.m. on September 20, 2016, I completed the (very) rough manuscript. So far it has topped out at 316 pages or about 100,000 words, but I can tell you it will be shorter than that. Which segues perfectly into the next update: I have begun editing and I have some excellent beta readers to help me with that arduous process. I completed the first 20 pages of edits tonight, and I only expect the process to go faster in the coming days.

Optimistically, I plan on completing the principal editing no later than early October, and having a polished manuscript come Halloween.

I expect to self-publish (yes, I’m going that route), around mid-November and definitely before Thanksgiving. I will keep you all posted as plans solidify and dates are set.

I am also planning on starting a minor Kickstarter campaign to help fund the hard-copy version, maybe something in the $500 range. More details to come concerning that.

So what does that mean for this blog?

No worries loyal readers, this isn’t going to devolve into, “Adam’s desperate promotional machine,” I’ll still produce original content and have updates as more of a postscript to those posts.

Expect more news in the coming days and weeks!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you stick around (especially now).

Have any ideas, feedback, or just general comments? Leave them below, or follow me on Twitter (@ahahnjones) and leave them there.


4 thoughts on “Writing Update

      1. That’s awesome! Good luck with everything! I’m sure the story will turn out great. Of course! I’ll always be here to support a fellow writer. We have to stick together. πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Of course! It’s a lonely craft, so anytime we can support each other it’s always a big plus. And I appreciate the support, I can already say with confidence that it will be a strong story, and I’m excited to share it with everyone πŸ™‚


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